Understanding Flow
Henrik Kniberg explains the resource utilization trap, how it impacts our ability to deliver, and what we can do about it.
Kanban University Resources
Here you'll find a whole bunch of resources from Kanban University for you to look into. Take a look and see what you can find. Let me know if there are any that tweak your interest and take your learning further.
What is Agile? - Mark Shead
This short cartoon answers the question "What Is Agile?" and will give you the background to understand the Agile principles and values and how they can help you and your team work together more efficiently.
Heart of Agile Scotland Meet Up
What we're about:
Since the creation of the "Manifesto for Agile Software Development" in 2001, many believe agile practices have become decorated to the point where it contradicts it's roots. This is why, in 2015, Dr. Alistair Cockburn (Manifesto co-author) developed 'Heart of Agile' to bring people back to what it's about.
"We recover the simplicity and power of agile by recognizing that it can be expressed in four words: Collaborate; Deliver; Reflect; Improve." - Alistair Cockburn
Agile on the Precipice - Jim Highsmith
After 20+ years of growing influence, Agile appears to be standing on the precipice of irrelevance.
In this time, Agile has spread wider than we Manifesto authors dreamed, but failed to spread as deeply as needed. Agile has lived up to Jerry Weinberg's Law of Strawberry Jam, "As long as it has lumps, you can never spread it too thin." We need more "lumpy" implementations of Agile.
The OKR Method
The OKR Method is the world's most comprehensive and freely available guide for the implementation of OKRs that any organisation, coach, or trainer can use without the need for a license.